The organisers of the annual John Ellin Ploughing Match met with a representative of this year’s chosen charity, Yorkshire Brain Tumour Charity, to hand over a cheque for £1,700.
Howard Dykes and Marion Ellin, met with the charity’s regional fundraiser, Keely Scanlon on November 24, to make the donation. The annual event has raised tens of thousands of pounds for various charities over the years in memory of local man, John Ellin. Yorkshire Brain Tumour Charity was chosen as the worthy recipient of this year’s funds, after one of the ploughing match’s long term competitors died last year. Organiser, Howard said: “We would like to thank all the Ploughmen, RJ and A E Godfrey for the land and spectators for their support, and the volunteers for helping with the raffle and setting up.”
The organisers of the annual John Ellin Ploughing Match, Howard Dykes and Marion Ellin, met with the Yorkshire Brain Tumour Charity regional fundraiser, Keely Scanlon (centre) to hand over a cheque for £1,700. (01-12-114 SU)